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BIOCOCO 100% Natural Skin Repair3 in 1 FACE SERUM (3ml)Anti-ageing Moisturiser UV Pigmentation Anti wrinkle/finelines Blend of refreshing citrus essential oil scent

RM 18.00
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Product Description

Pure and Bioactive Natural 100%. BIOCOCO'S Favourite and Best Selling Face Serum Skincare. Customers are happy and return to buy bigger economical size bottle as they see fast improvements. Great value too - 3 in 1 natural product - moisturiser, anti-ageing and UV sun protection from pigmentation forming up to 30 SPF. And fast and simple to use, wash and apply to face , that’s it! 

Palm vitamin e tocotrienol contains up to 60 times potency (compared to normal vit e) to speed up repair wrinkles and fine lines and produces a softer and smoother skin. 

Can also apply eye and mouth areas.

Scent is a refreshing blend of citrus essential oil, customers love it! 

Fast absorption and does not cause pimples. 

Does not cause allergies.

For all skin types.

Try it today with our special offer!

Contact No: +6017-256 1114

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